Combining quantum spirituality, the intelligence of nature, & the ancient healing arts for a self-empowered approach to human health.



Experience true inner healing and self-transformation as you establish the foundations of a holistic, self-directed system of living. Learn what it takes to create a life of complete freedom with this in-depth exploration of nourishment, lifestyle, belief, emotion, trauma, & the various spiritual factors which influence the soul’s greater journey of evolution & expansion.

Gain complete freedom from:

  • Fear, anxiety, & depression

  • Chronic pain & illness

  • Your traumas, negative beliefs, & self-limiting stories from the past

  • The expectations & opinions of others

  • Systems of control including finance, education, religion, politics, media, & the medical and food industries

Sessions are individually structured and may include:

  • A comprehensive examination of lifestyle, routines, & habits

  • Cleansing the body and mind with a diet of high-vibrational, mucus-free foods

  • The role of unresolved emotions as a root cause of many illnesses

  • Healing childhood & ancestral traumas

  • Cultivating a limitless mindset & installing more empowering belief systems

  • Transforming relationships with family, friends, & intimate partners

  • Navigating the ups and downs of the spiritual awakening

  • Accessing intuitive gifts, psychic abilities, & the intelligence of the body

  • Healing through the spiritual sciences with energy, vibration, & frequency

  • Spiritual considerations of health: karma, dharma, past lives, connection to a higher power, & more

  • Meditations, visualizations, past life regressions, & other tools to help you become a conscious creator your reality



Move beyond the outdated, fear-based models of parenting as we come together to raise the next generation in a spirit of love, authenticity, & empowerment. Support your child in unlocking their soul gifts, following their higher calling, & connecting with a vision of their true greatness — preparing them to fully shine their light in a world that needs it now more than ever.

This is for you if:

  • You’re committed to raising the next generation of leaders, healers, & visionaries in a conscious, spiritually aligned way

  • You’re here to help your child activate their soul gifts & pursue their higher purpose

  • You’re seeking holistic solutions for your child’s diagnosis or impairment (autism, Asperger’s, etc.)

Sessions are individually structured and may include:

  • How accumulated toxins in the body (heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, mold, etc.) affect healthy development

  • Using diet & nutrition to heal the physical body and restore the gut-brain connection

  • Optimizing the home & environment

  • How to avoid imprinting your child with unnecessary trauma & self-limiting beliefs

  • Healing compromised relationships with children or other family members

  • Understanding kids’ encounters with spirits, interdimensionals, ETs, & other paranormal phenomena

  • Intuitive readings into your child’s higher purpose, unique genius, & greater contributions to humanity

  • How to educate your child on spiritual matters

  • Supporting physical integration with techniques rooted in the ancient science of energy, frequency, & vibration

  • Uncovering the greater mission of the autistic collective in the context of the great spiritual shift occurring on Earth