Here's my story:
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a curious mind and an innovative spirit. As a kid, I was a rebel and a pioneer who loved to push the limits and lose myself in the creative process — drawing, painting, building models, taking things apart to see how they work, you name it. Deep down, I think I’ve always known what I wanted out of life. And from the earliest days, I knew that I wanted to be a hockey player.
As excited as I was about the world around me, I found myself in a constant struggle with my health. Chronic allergies, asthma, eczema, and skin conditions were a fact of everyday life, and my parents took me from specialist to specialist in search of help. In the end, I only wound up more heavily medicated. My doctors told me I would be for the rest of my life.
At age 17, I left home in California to pursue my lifelong dream of playing college hockey. I spent the next four years traveling around the United States and British Columbia, learning to fend for myself and navigate the competitive landscape of junior hockey.
My dream had become a reality. I was preparing to begin my collegiate hockey career at Colorado College, but my health was now becoming a greater concern. In the midst of the hustle and grind, my wellbeing had taken a backseat. As fate would have it, I was dragged out of the house one morning by my mom and into the office of a traditional Chinese acupuncturist. There, much to the frustration of my inner skeptic, I had an experience that can only be described as earth-shattering. For the first time, I recognized that no doctor, drug, or anything outside of myself could bestow true health. Only I could heal myself and create the life I’ve always wanted. With this newfound motivation, I managed to turn my health around in just a few short months, tossing aside my assortment of drugs in favor of a more natural approach built around clean eating, right thinking, and conscious living. And much to my excitement, I suddenly found that I had the energy to begin exploring personal growth and invest in my own future.
Up until now, I’d spent my whole life chasing success and recognition as an athlete, blinded by the belief that if only I could accomplish enough, then finally I’d receive love and approval from others. If I could just make it to the pros, I told myself, maybe then I’d feel whole and complete. But as I would quickly learn, life had other plans. My on-ice performance began suffering, and I soon found myself on the bench more often than not. Everything I’d worked so hard for appeared to crumble before my eyes. But what I couldn’t yet see was that this rejection was a redirection — life asking me to let go so I could receive something far greater.
With my source of external validation now gone, I had nowhere else to look but within. As life came to a halt during the pandemic, it became glaringly obvious that I had spent my entire life running away from my own fears, doubts, and insecurities. And yet the more I truly looked at them, the more they disappeared. I began to see my struggles from a higher perspective. I realized that mindset alone was not enough, because our deepest beliefs and traumas are actually stored in the body. I saw clearly that transformation is an inside out game, and that our outer life is nothing more than a mirror reflection of our inner world. Most importantly, I started to experience the truth of who I was: an infinite, multidimensional spiritual being that went far beyond my accomplishments and other people’s opinions. With this, I began a deep study of metaphysics, spirituality, and the ancient healing arts in search of answers to some of life’s biggest questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What would bring me true happiness and fulfillment?
I was beginning to see the culmination of my life’s story, and it was becoming clear what I was being asked to do: to step into the world and offer my struggles and experiences in service to others. Around this time, I completed my degree in Physics, but as much as I adore science, I knew that it was never my destiny to spend my life in a lab coat. I felt blessed that my story had unfolded the way it had, and the more I experienced how incredible life could get, the more I wanted to share it with others. That’s my mission: to support you as you rediscover the greatness within yourself and connect with a vision of a future you truly love. It’s my joy to step alongside you as together, we continue to move humanity toward a future that’s worthy of us. Thanks for trusting me to be a part of your journey!