Here’s my story:

Like most, my journey into this space came about through the search for answers to my own problems. At the time, I was preparing for what I hoped would be a glamorous hockey career at the Division I level. But as I would soon discover, life had other plans.

I quickly found myself overwhelmed by the intense pressures and physical demands of the sport — weighed down increasingly by the chronic health issues I’d been trying to brush aside my whole life.

As fate would have it, I was dragged out of the house one morning by my mom and into the office of a traditional Chinese acupuncturist. And much to the frustration of my inner skeptic, I had an experience that day that I can only describe as earth-shattering.

With this fresh gust of wind in my sails, I managed to turn my health around in only a few short months, tossing aside my assortment of drugs in favor of a more natural approach built around a philosophy of clean eating, right thinking, and conscious living.

My curiosity only carried me further down the path of personal development and into an exploration of the mind and soul. To my surprise, I soon found myself experiencing life beyond the ordinary world of the senses — in what’s been called the realm of the spiritual, the psychic, and the supernatural.

Determined to bridge this profound new insight with the theological foundations of my faith, my formal education in Physics, and my passion for human health and performance, I committed myself to a deep study of metaphysics, the ancient healing arts, and cross-cultural methods of spiritual development.

Here, a more complete picture of health began to emerge — one which considered the complexity of our human nature and addressed the underlying energetic imbalances at a mental, emotional, and spiritual level that manifest as various forms of illness.

The implications of this knowledge took on more personal significance during my clinical work with children who had been diagnosed with autism and other so-called developmental disabilities. These kids — whom I came to discover were highly psychic and telepathic themselves — shared profound insight into the true nature of their condition, the intrinsic gifts obscured by the label of their diagnosis, and the untapped genius which resides in every human heart.

I’m moved by a vision of the future in which every individual is inspired to step forward in full recognition of this potential. Regardless of where you might find yourself — be it seeking solutions for your child, or left frustrated by medicine’s impersonal approach to your personal struggles — I’m confident that the answers will reveal themselves as you commit to the path that lies ahead.

Given the discomfort that often accompanies change, my goal is to support you by teaching you to work within the framework of knowledge I wish I once had. More importantly, I’m here to set you free as you take this knowledge and make it your own — rediscovering the greatness within yourself and connecting with the vision of a future you truly love.

It’s my joy to step alongside you in this transformative journey as we defy the limits of our self-imposed boundaries and continue to redefine what’s possible. Thanks for joining me!