Demystifying the Psychic and the Supernatural

As someone who uses intuitive or so-called “psychic” forms of information to help guide others in their healing journey, I come across some common questions: What are the psychic senses? Where does this information come from? Can it be trusted? Does everyone have access to it? But wait, many people claim that psychics work for the devil. Is this true?

Here, I hope to provide answers to these questions and more as I share some of the insights I’ve gained through my experience with what’s become a highly stigmatized and polarizing topic.

For countless generations, psychic abilities and spiritual gifts have served as a source of endless fascination. Yet at the same time, there are those who recoil in fear at a mere mention of the topic.

With the abundance of superstitions in today’s world and the assortment of psychics you’ll come across at your local county fair, it’s not hard to see how the idea of an invisible spiritual reality — and those who claim to see beyond the physical veil — is so often met with ridicule and skepticism. Still, it’s disheartening to see the number of people who have become consumed by their own fear, fully convinced that psychics are out to exploit their innermost secrets or that they’re part of some conspiracy to take over the world using sinister methods of mind control. Not to mention the enduring belief that anything that falls outside of a fundamentalist religious framework is dangerous, or even demonic.

Now, this isn’t to downplay the reality of darker, more nefarious energies which exert an influence on our world, or to disregard the individuals who attempt to leverage these powers to further their own self-serving schemes. What we’ll come to find, however, is that most of our apprehensions are rooted in the mind’s own fear of the unknown, and that it’s actually fear itself which makes us vulnerable to the very thing we’re afraid of. So when it comes to such a nuanced subject, be sure to exercise your own inner discernment, and trust that each of us is divinely supported in our soul’s quest for truth and self-discovery. When in doubt, remember that the power of love and light in this universe far outweighs the shadowy illusion of fear and darkness.

What’s the Nature of Our Reality?

In the early 1900s, many scientists were convinced that we were close to understanding all there was to know about the physical universe. With Einstein’s newly-published theories of relativity came bold claims from fellow physicists: “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”

Their optimism, however, was quickly shattered with new discoveries in an emerging branch of physics called quantum theory. According to traditional Newtonian physics, which concerns itself with the large-scale observations of our everyday world, the universe is a predictable place. If you throw a ball up in the air, gravity pulls it back down — no exceptions. Every effect has a cause, and every cause has a predictable outcome. This deterministic worldview tended to comfort scientists, who were tantalized by the idea that we might one day be able to “play God” and predict the outcome of all future events.

But in the strange realm of quantum physics, at the smallest measurable scales of the universe, there was no such thing as matter. Solid structure did not exist — everything was pure energy. Measurements showed that even the molecules which combined to form physical substance were 99.999% empty space. Scientists, to their great frustration, were unable to determine the position of the individual electrons in an atom with certainty. The electron existed both everywhere and nowhere as pure energetic potential until the moment it was viewed by an observer — when energy collapsed into solid structure and a single reality materialized.

To put this in simple terms, what our brain perceives as solid matter is actually just a condensed form of structured energy. Einstein’s most famous statement, e = mc², tells us that mass and energy are simply interchangeable states. We can think of matter and spirit as different forms of one another, just as steam and water are simply two phases of the same substance.

Even more fascinating yet were the implications of quantum theory. Scientists were astounded to find that the outcome of their experiments could be swayed by the individuals observing them. In other words, physical events could be influenced, at least in part, by human thought, belief, and intention. It seemed that the mind was responsible for creating matter — not the other way around. Science had proven once and for all that we were not helpless victims of our surroundings, but powerful creators generating our own unique experience in an interactive reality.

In fact, the scientific method had nearly arrived at the single truth which underlies the world’s great spiritual traditions: that all life is the expression of a single Source, unified consciousness, or intelligent love, which holds the potential to create and the desire to express itself. This infinite mind — call it God, Creator, Source, Spirit, Universal Intelligence, consciousness, the unified quantum field — is beyond logic, unbound by time and space, and experienced by us as unconditional love.

The concept, as far as we can grasp, goes something like this: All that exists is this ever-present and infinite mind — a timeless awareness that is both everything and everywhere. Its only desire is to know itself and comprehend the true vastness of its own glory. It follows, then, that to understand itself fully, it must devise a way to experience itself in its totality.

To make this dream a reality, the unified consciousness manifests itself as an endless spectrum of energy — which we experience in the form of vibration, or frequency. Visible light, sound, radio waves, X-rays, and Wi-Fi are just a few examples. The quantum forces observed by scientists are yet another measurable form of this same energy. All vibration carries information, and so each frequency therefore holds the possibility of a different experience.

By differentiating itself into this limitless array of information, or potential experiences, the infinite One can therefore immerse itself in its own created world. It divides itself into individual points of consciousness — which we call souls — so it can engage in a process of endless expansion by experiencing its infinite self in an infinite number of ways. Put differently, if there are 8 billion people on Earth, then the universe is viewing and interacting with itself from 8 billion unique perspectives at any given time. As astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “We are a way for the universe to know itself.” So life, in essence, is one big exchange of information and shared experiences — a game of limitation in which love itself encounters various challenges and conditions so it can come to love itself unconditionally.

What Are the Psychic Senses?

As we’ve seen, there exists an unseen cosmic force which underpins our physical reality — a vast web of consciousness in which we experience the interconnectedness of all life. Psychic perception is simply the ability to tap into this higher field of intelligence to interpret information that exists slightly outside the range of what’s considered normal.

As souls entering this physical world, we are given the temporary vehicle of a physical body, which essentially functions as a giant antenna — receiving information from the unified field and translating it into sensations interpreted by the brain so we can interact with the unique environment of this particular planet. Too little information, and we would be unable to navigate our surroundings; too much, and the sensory stimuli would be overwhelming. As a result, the human body developed in a way that allows us to perceive only what’s absolutely necessary for our survival — no more, no less.

What this means, however, is that our mind is aware of only a thin slice of the infinite spectrum of reality. It’s a bit like choosing a radio station: every program is being broadcast all at once, but we’re only tuned into the single channel of our three-dimensional world. The majority of creation lies beyond the reach of ordinary human perception, invisible to the naked eye and undetectable by our scientific instruments. It’s here in these unseen realms that we find the alternate dimensions and angelic worlds that have been spoken of by religions and spiritual traditions throughout time.

As it turns out, however, these higher planes are not completely beyond our reach. In fact, most of us experience the occasional bleed-through in moments of deep insight or clarity, creative inspiration, intuition, déjà vu, dreams, synchronicities, divine guidance, and other seemingly serendipitous encounters.

​​A certain subset of the population also possesses the ability to perceive energy that extends slightly beyond the normal range — what we’ve termed psychic gifts, extrasensory perception (ESP), or the “sixth sense”. This stream of higher insight is generally filtered through the existing channels of perception — like enhanced versions of the normal senses — which are typically categorized into the four main “clairs”, or clear senses. Most psychic individuals are proficient to some degree in all four, but most have one or two senses that are dominant or preferred.

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive visual information that cannot be seen by most. Some people experience visions, images, and impressions through the mind’s eye, while others can physically see the energetic field or aura which emanates from all living beings.

  • Clairaudience is the ability to “hear” messages through the mind — much like listening to the voice in your head when you read. It can be experienced as audible downloads of information, guidance from higher spiritual beings, and telepathic communication with others. Personally speaking, this is my dominant mode of perception.

  • Claircognizance is a form of intuition or higher knowing that defies logic or explanation. Individuals with this ability seem to just “know” things about people, places, or situations, and they often have premonitions about events that have not yet occurred.

  • Clairsentience is the ability to sense subtle energies through the emotions and sensations of the body. As highly sensitive and compassionate individuals, clairsentients can easily pick up on the mental-emotional state of others and are highly attuned to the subtleties of their environment. Many will even feel other people’s emotions and mistake them as their own without even knowing it.

Most intuitive abilities can be placed somewhere within the four buckets mentioned above, but beyond this lies the possibility of even more profound mystical experiences such as lucid dreaming, out of body travel, remote healing, telepathic communication, past life recall, and interactions with other nonhuman intelligences. There’s a near endless variety of experiences available to us if we can open ourselves to the reality of their existence.

Now, I want to be clear that this doesn’t mean there are people who walk around knowing everything about everyone. This isn’t an ability any of us would want — trust me on that one. Instead, we live in a free will domain where individual sovereignty is paramount. So in approaching a psychic or intuitive healer with a sincere desire for help, what you’re doing is granting permission to that individual at a soul level so they can access the exact information they need to assist you. Generally, you’ll find their assessment to be quite accurate, as the universe will always support the use of these powers when applied in a spirit of love for the betterment of others.

A Gift for the Few, or Accessible By All?

It’s another common belief that psychic perception is a special gift that’s been given to some and withheld from the rest.

What’s been known by every spiritual tradition throughout history, however, is that these abilities are innate to all human beings and can be continually refined through the process of spiritual development. At our core, we are one and the same — loving, divine beings with the freedom to create our own experience — and the power given to one is given to all.

So the question then follows: why aren’t we taught any of this?

Here’s the bottom line: we’ve been the victims of a deliberate effort to disempower humanity and deprive the people of their spiritual roots. For many thousands of years, the world has been under the control of an intergenerational cabal of elites whose interests lie exclusively in the accumulation of power and their own self-enrichment. The fate of the average person like you and me is of little concern to them. The only threat to their continued reign is a collective awakening in the heart of humanity in which every individual gains an awareness of their true divine essence and the creative potential that lies within.

And so they spoon feed the public just enough to console people with temporary pleasures and the promise of far-off fulfillment, but not enough as to bestow genuine self-empowerment and inner illumination. They go to extreme lengths to keep us in a constant state of fear and survival — suffering at a dead end job just to make ends meet, searching for fulfillment anywhere but within our own hearts, threatened by the differences of those around us, afraid we’ll kill grandma with a bioweapon they engineered themselves. So long as the people can be artificially divided by their belief systems and ideologies, opposing groups can be pitted against one another, and the population remains unaware of their controlling masters who wield the sword of power.

It’s quite a clever ploy, admittedly, but its days are numbered. The extent of the corruption in our world will soon be revealed for all to see. The lies and deception will come to an end. Truth will prevail as the power is returned to the people. Opposing religions and philosophies will join hands as we move forward as one, guided by the long-forgotten spiritual wisdom of the ages and united by the common goal of uplifting the entire human race.

Our exploration of this topic will continue in a future article, where we’ll dive deeper into the sacred teachings of the world’s great faiths to uncover the universal path of spiritual development and tap into our limitless potential.


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