Autism: A Holistic Overview of the Big Picture

I think it’s time we take a step back and reevaluate autism through the eyes of a more enlightened worldview.

For far too long, we’ve given experts the ultimate say. Moreover, it seems that with each new crisis comes an even more compelling cry to abide by their advice and “trust the science.”Modern science, however, in all its glory, is nevertheless limited in its current understanding of reality — especially when it comes to the complexity of the human experience. Its mechanistic, bottom-up approach begins with an observation of the natural world, disregards anything that can’t be measured in a lab, and ends where it began — with the conclusion that humans are chemical beings inhabiting a physical universe, our consciousness a mere byproduct of the brain that ceases to exist at death. There’s no room for the soul in such a reductionistic model that so sharply divides mind and matter, physical and metaphysical, seen and unseen.

As such, science tells us that autism is nothing more than an unfortunate outcome of biological processes gone wrong. We’re sold the idea that the solution lies in pharmaceutical drugs, which intend only to mask symptoms while sidestepping the root cause of dysfunction. At best, our attempts to reprogram cognitive functioning manage to reduce unwanted behaviors to a level deemed acceptable by society.

If you’re anything like me, however, you probably suspect that there’s more to the story than we’ve been told. Could it be that there’s a greater purpose behind a situation that’s grown hopeless for so many families? What might happen, then, if we let go of our need to fix individuals on the spectrum and focused instead on trying to understand them?

I’m a believer that real breakthroughs demand a real shift in the way we approach things. So rather than perpetuate the traditional bottom-up stance, what I’d like to propose is that instead, we take a top-down approach: beginning at the spiritual — the level of consciousness and the soul — then work our way down to understand how these higher causes have their effects in the physical. 

If all this spiritual stuff isn’t really your thing, you’ve got my complete understanding. It took me many years to reconcile my own spiritual experiences with the more traditional views of my Christian upbringing. Still, I sense an increasing number of people whose personal encounters are no longer corroborating the stories they’ve been told to believe. For those of you who find yourselves in such a place, I feel obligated to share in their entirety the insights I’ve gained through my experience — to lay it all out there without holding back. I hope you’ll come to find as I did that a far more beautiful and coherent picture will begin to emerge from the limited perspectives that have come to define our fragmented world.

Of course, much of this information may seem a bit out there, so I certainly hope you’ll question everything I have to say through the lens of your own experience. Don’t believe me at my word. Take what resonates, wherever you find yourself in your own journey, and see where it might lead you in your individual quest for answers.

With this, let’s begin with the story of a very special planet.

The Bigger Picture

We find ourselves today at the precipice of the long-awaited shift in human consciousness that’s been prophesied for thousands of years. It was known by different names in different cultures. The Hopi called it the emergence of the Fifth World. Among other Native American tribes, it was referred to as the prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors. The Greeks termed it Chryson Genos. Likewise, the Hindu texts describe a forthcoming age called Satya Yuga in which truth and justice prevail over the spiritual blindness that defines our current dark age of Kali Yuga. Astrological systems of thought have referred to this event as the Ascension, the Shift, or the Age of Aquarius. Similarly, the Biblical scriptures of Christianity depict the new heaven and the new earth, also known as the Second Coming of Christ — as in the spiritual ascension of humanity through the attainment of Christ Consciousness, the realization that we are one with all life and inseparable from the Divine Creator. Regardless, the End Times prophecies were not a prediction of global destruction in the sense we’ve come to think of it, but a rebirth — one in which a liberated humanity rises from the ashes in a continuation of their cyclical story.

Despite their differing terminology, every tradition understood that the coming of this enlightened age would be preceded by a necessary period of upheaval and purification. They spoke of the wars, disease, chaos, and confusion which would grip the planet as outdated systems of living were made obsolete and old ways of thinking were washed away. The corrupt intentions of the ruling class would be exposed for all to see, and their desperate attempts to cling to power would clash violently with the people’s vision of a more beautiful world.

By the mid-20th century, it was known that this time was not far off. The rate of technological advancement in recent decades had begun to outpace the ethical development and spiritual progress required to use it responsibly. All eyes were on humanity at this time, for with the development of the atomic bomb and its weaponization against our own people came also the first reports of saucers and other strange craft buzzing the skies. It seemed that the “gods” of the ancient prophecies were beginning to make their return, keeping good on their promise to assist humanity in their cosmic struggle for survival. Knowledge of the interdimensional and extraterrestrial involvement on Earth had long been suppressed by those in power, but the human race would soon be reacquainted with their brothers and sisters from the stars — and the untold story of their extraordinary world.

The reemergence of this long-forgotten presence from above coincided also with great changes taking place below. It was around this time that psychics and spiritual seers began noticing new patterns and codes of information in the energetic fields of many individuals. There was a new type of human on the planet — more spiritual than any seen before. The ground team was beginning to arrive.

They’ve been called lightworkers, starseeds, empaths, the 144,000 — and there were millions of them. Souls gathered from the most distant corners of the cosmos to bring change to a world in need. Together, they would serve as boots on the ground during this critical period of transition on Earth, ensuring the success of a monumental feat: the liberation of a race of people and the ascension of an entire planet.

They planned their arrival in what hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon described as the Waves of Volunteers. The conclusion of World War II marked the arrival of the first major wave, although some had come even earlier as scouts — sent to survey the battlefield on which the spiritual war of the ages would soon be waged.

The task of the first wave was simple: generate an initial countercurrent of change that would lead to a collapse of the existing structures of top-down control, paving the way for new systems that would eventually come to take their place. In many ways, the earliest forerunners had it the toughest. These strong-spirited rebels, despite encountering resistance everywhere they went, managed to stand firm in the face of criticism and move the needle of human progress in the direction of tolerance and open-mindedness. For the most part, they traversed the treacherous terrain of life unaware of their soul’s higher purpose. Many would be gone by the time the toils of their labor come to fruition.

For while they were busy setting the scene, another team was preparing to take the stage. And with the mission now entering its most critical phase, the timing of their arrival was paramount. All signs pointed to the late 90’s or early 2000’s, when the conditions on Earth were ripe with change and the collapse of the old systems was well underway. This wave, however, unlike their predecessors, would retain a more complete spiritual awareness, bringing with them advanced knowledge from other worlds and intact memories spanning many existences. Their mission required it, for one day, they would be tasked with devising more enlightened systems of banking, politics, global industry, and medicine for all to prosper in the new age. These were humanity’s future leaders, healers, visionaries, artists, educators, environmentalists, peacekeepers, and philanthropists.

This isn’t to say that they were better than anyone else — just different in the gifts and experiences they had to offer in service to the whole. Still, as does everyone who comes here for an authentic experience of life on this planet, they would forget their spiritual origins when it came time to enter the physical world. Many had spent ages preparing for this very moment, but others answered the call without any prior experience in this strange and breathtaking world. They knew beforehand of the intense stretches of loneliness and despair they would be left to withstand. Most would be placed alone, spread out strategically like individual antennas or cell towers in a much larger global network designed to trigger a mass spiritual awakening in the consciousness of the human collective.

Yet as the scenario on Earth escalated into crisis, each would begin to awaken to the remembrance that they had come to be a part of something greater. More and more, their paths would converge as circumstance demanded they embrace their divine calling and step into more prominent roles within society. Their very presence would infuse the lives of those around them with a sense of spiritual meaning, fostering communities that would propel humanity beyond the destruction of their self-created suffering and into the realization of their true power and inherent divinity.

Naturally, the unconventional qualities of these individuals gave rise to a very different way of experiencing of the world. While most people had been programmed to think their way through life — trapped in the prison of the mind — these beings were guided predominantly by feeling and intuition. Their spiritual attributes made them highly empathic and proficient in mind-to-mind forms of telepathic communication. Many retained the psychic capabilities that most of humanity had fallen out of touch with, giving them the ability to interpret energy and information which vibrated at a frequency slightly outside the normal range. To them, there was nothing unnatural about the supernatural. They perceived things around them that most people couldn’t, and probably preferred not to: the emotional traumas and inner conflicts that people carried in their energetic field; the fears and insecurities which drove their behaviors; the unspoken resentments which ate away at their relationships and their health; the repressed feelings and unfiltered intentions concealed beneath their haphazardly-thrown words; even the fearful and wonderful realm of spirits and interdimensional entities beyond the physical plane. It’s no wonder they have such a difficult time focusing on the meaningless tasks we place in front of them!

Yet this extraordinary inner life wasn’t without its challenges. With their heightened sensitivity came a keen awareness of the flaws which plagued a world they perceived to be dull and dysfunctional. Many had difficulty relating to others and grew resentful of the mold that society attempted to stuff them into. The pursuits which kept most people distracted — money, alcohol, sex, popularity, power — were of little interest to them. The cookie-cutter approach of the modern education system served only to diminish their sense of self-worth and insult the true depths of their intelligence. At the same time, their remarkable strength and peculiar presence often garnered unwanted amounts of attention from others. They were eyed with a mix of awe and wonder, fear and skepticism, as their light had a tendency to highlight the insecurities and vulnerabilities that people worked tirelessly to conceal. Many grew unsettled by the penetrating gaze and otherworldly aura of these ancient souls — threatened by the very authenticity which had once drawn their interest. All the while, the indiscriminate hearts and trusting personalities of these rebellious misfits made them easy targets for those looking to exploit the generosity of others to get ahead in the rat race of the modern world.

As a result, many found themselves caught off guard by the cruel and manipulative behavior of others, only furthering the growing sense of distrust and animosity they harbored towards society at large. Some spiraled into bouts of depression and succumbed to a worldview of unconsolable cynicism. Others dimmed their inner light and built psychological barriers around their sensitive inner core, resulting in personality traits which led others to view them as indifferent, edgy, and judgmental. They longed for the depth of authentic connections that went beyond the superficial exchanges and petty affairs of the ordinary world, and yet the tendency to absorb other people’s energy left them exhausted and confused. It wasn’t uncommon to find them in the sacred silence of their own company to avoid the feeling of being overlooked and undervalued in the company of a large crowd.

Regardless of individual circumstance, these cosmic wanderers were confronted with constant reminders that they were different from the people around them. Most felt confused and alone in a hostile world, victimized by a societal structure which had inadvertently smothered their true genius and personal power. The inability to express the intricacies of their experience with those who cared about them most generated enormous amounts of frustration, causing them to act out in disruptive and unpredictable ways. Meanwhile, their preference for telepathic communication through the language of mind and energy commonly led to a delay in their motor and speech development. It’s no coincidence that around this time, we began witnessing an exponential rise in diagnoses of autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, and other unexplained developmental disorders as the medical industry rushed to invent new labels to explain the unusual appearance and strange behaviors of these individuals.

Nevertheless, the majority of this spiritual population learned to embrace their hardships and managed to grow well-adjusted to the society around them. So the question remains: what’s the reason behind this unexplained physical condition? And why does it happen to some and not others?

What’s to Blame?

I want you to pause for a moment to consider the complex processes taking place inside of your smartphone or computer as you browse the web and read this article. There are two main components to your device: 1) the hardware, or the actual physical parts 2) the software, which tells the hardware what to do and how to do it. The two must work together to generate a seamless user experience, and neither can function properly without the other. Of course, there’s a near endless list of things that can go wrong on either end. Regardless, when there is a malfunction, the result is the same: frustration that the device is no longer behaving in the way it should.

Now, let’s take this analogy and apply it to our human condition. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, there are multi-layered aspects to our individuality. And for the sake of simplicity, we can divide this into two main components, just as with our smartphones and computers: 1) the soul, or spiritual aspect, which exists as pure consciousness in a state of loving awareness 2) the physical body, the temporary vessel we use to navigate this material realm. When these two aspects manage to interface with one another properly, the result is a well-balanced individual with a healthy capacity for physical, mental, and emotional expression.

The soul’s process of incarnation into a physical body can be a delicate one, since the body and soul have about as much in common as the hardware and software in your computer. To view this in terms of energy, the soul vibrates at the level of pure consciousness, while the body exists as a denser form of energy that we call matter. When it comes to joining the two together, it’s all about creating an energetic match. What this implies, in its simplest terms, is that the soul must actually lower its frequency to interact properly with the body and maintain an effortless back-and-forth communication. It accomplishes this in a way similar to the process your power company uses to deliver electricity to your home or business — passing current through a series of transformers to “step down” the high voltage at the source to levels that are safe for household use. The human body contains a system of energy centers and circuitry, called chakras and meridians, which function in exactly this way to distribute and regulate the flow of life-force energy throughout the body.

In the case of autism, however, it appears that the energetic gap between the soul and the body is actually greater due to the high-vibrational quality of these spiritual souls. As I like to say, it’s like trying to run a modern day video game on a Nintendo 64 console. Simply put, there’s an increased element of incompatibility that must be overcome, and thus an increased possibility of something going wrong at some point during the process. In rare cases, it seems that something manages to trip the circuit breaker, resulting in a sort of “glitch” as the signal between the body and the soul becomes interrupted.

Outwardly, this manifests in what appears to be a physical or neurodevelopmental disorder. Inwardly, the individual is left feeling ungrounded and disconnected from the body. This is why you’ve probably seen many autistic children walking around on the tips of their toes: it feels like they’re stuck in between worlds, floating somewhere out above their head! The unregulated flow of energy in the body hyper-attunes the entire system, causing extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli, heightened reactions to other people’s energies, and a magnified response to the effects of lunar cycles and other astrological influences. Jumping, running, stimming, spinning in circles, and even self-harm are all instinctual ways of dissipating this overwhelming influx of energy.

But what’s responsible for setting off this fateful chain of events? Why the sudden onset of symptoms and the varying severity between individuals? My personal assessment is that much of it comes down to the cumulative toxic load in the body which disrupts the energetic balance of the system.

Let’s use another analogy: imagine that the toxins entering our body from the surrounding environment are like drops of water filling up a large bucket. The size of each person’s bucket is slightly different based on their pre-existing state of health and other genetic factors, but everyone has a limit. Too much water in the bucket and it starts to overflow, crashing down in what we call disease.

In a healthy individual, the body can generally match the demands of its environment, eliminating toxins just as quickly as they enter. It’s like having holes in the bottom of the bucket that allow water to drain before it reaches the top. Every positive health decision we make — diet, sleep, lifestyle, etc. — keeps the holes open so water can flow out of the bucket. On the other hand, every poor decision we make is like tossing in a handful of dirt. And in today’s highly industrialized and polluted world, even a lack of positive action is enough for sediment to begin quickly building up at the bottom. Soon enough, the holes become clogged, and toxins begin to accumulate faster than they drain. Our bucket overflows, and the scales start to tip from wellness to illness.

Each day, we find ourselves exposed to a dizzying load of chemicals, pollutants, heavy metals, and radiation that are known to cause everything from immune dysfunction to hormonal imbalances, cancer to impaired cognitive ability. When considering the toxins that factor into the total equation of our health, however, we must also account for the unseen threats which present just as great of a risk, if not more: electromagnetic radiation (EMFs), self-destructive thoughts, negative emotions, repressed trauma, toxic relationships, gossip, social media, political and religious division, fearful narratives propagated by mainstream news, television programs, and the music, film, and advertising industries. The list goes on.

With the onset of autism, I believe it’s the compounding effects and the complex interactions between all of the above factors, physical and nonphysical, which lead to the system-wide malfunction we observe.

This brings us to the controversial subject of childhood vaccination. I’m not trying to stir up division here, but it’s impossible to dismiss the firsthand accounts of parents who report that their child was developing normally up until a particular round of shots. The topic of vaccination has been thrust to the forefront of the conversation in recent years, so here’s my take on it: Vaccines are known to contain a toxic load of ingredients and heavy metals that are incredibly damaging to the body — especially to children in their formative years. As I’ve come to understand it, the repeated poisoning that occurs with each subsequent vaccination actually brings a decline in overall health and vitality. As a result, the body becomes diminished in its natural ability to eliminate damaging substances through its detoxification pathways — what we would refer to as “symptoms of disease”. In other words, the ability to produce symptoms is actually an indicator of the body’s miraculous intelligence and adaptability. In the interest of eradicating disease, what we’ve actually managed to do is eradicate the body’s natural defense against the rampant toxins of our modern world.

I’m not going so far here as to claim that vaccines cause autism via any particular mechanism, but I do believe that in some cases, they can act as the final drop which pushes the body past the point of no return — the straw that breaks the camel’s back, if you will.

What Can We Do?

First, I think it’s worth emphasizing that our goal should not be to fix these kids by stuffing them into the mold of what we consider “normal”. All this time, we’ve just been playing different games: we’re trying to steer them into the end zone, but they’re busy hitting home runs. So it would seem that we’re not dealing with a disorder or a disability after all — just a different way of being human. 

As a parent, it’s important to know that no part of you is responsible for what’s happened to your child. If you believe as I do, you’ll understand that as souls, each of us is given the gift of free will, and we all have a hand in selecting our path through each individual lifetime. The message I commonly receive from these children is that they’ve simply chosen a unique perspective of the Earth experience. None of us came here to be perfect, and when it’s all said and done, the only thing we take with us is the experience itself. So rather than looking for the quick fix, let’s instead focus our energy on helping these children make theirs everything it can be.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that we’re here to support our autistic population in a way that empowers them to express themselves independently to the level they desire, whatever that may look like to them. So to start, we need to address the barriers that are inhibiting their ability to do so.

The remedy begins with the removal of the cause, so our first step is eliminating toxins at their source. My goal here is to outline some of the most important considerations on the physical side of things — helping you identify some of the most common sources of toxicity in your environment, then providing you with some easy, action-oriented steps that you can implement to mitigate these hidden threats.

I’m sensitive to the fact that not every family has the financial resources to make such drastic lifestyle changes, but consider that the changes you make for your little one will ultimately come back around to benefit the health of your entire family. Imagine how much it would mean to your child if you suddenly had the energy to tackle your parenting responsibilities with greater ease, or the mental clarity to respond to his or her actions with more patience and understanding.

Keep this in mind as you commit to introducing change at a pace that’s comfortable for you. It may take some time to get the ball rolling, but remember that even little changes add up to produce big results. Progress compounds over time.


Food is medicine, and the decisions we make every day about what we put in our body have far-reaching effects on our overall health. I know how particular these kids can be when it comes time to eat, and unfortunately, sometimes the only foods they’ll touch are the ones that have been highly processed to hijack our brain’s chemistry and keep us coming back. What we’ll find, however, is that when we pivot toward a more native human diet, the brain will begin to rewire itself and reorient its preferences toward foods that are restorative to our health.

Common toxins in our food supply:

Pesticides, fungicides, preservatives, genetically modified crops (GMOs), artificial flavors and sweeteners, colors and dyes, rancid oils, various molds and mycotoxins.

Steps to take:

  • Eat food in the form you’d find it in nature. Avoid the junk in the middle aisles of the supermarket and stick to whole, unprocessed foods found in the refrigerated sections.

  • If your budget allows, buy 100% non-GMO, organic produce. Refer to EWG’s shopper’s guide to see which produce is least contaminated and which to definitely avoid.

  • If there’s one thing I think everyone should cut out, it’s refined vegetable and seed oils. Canola, sunflower, soybean, corn, and safflower are most prevalent. Go for coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, or grass-fed butter and ghee instead. To learn more, start here.

  • Replace refined white sugar with natural sweeteners like raw honey, coconut sugar, stevia, dates, or maple syrup.

  • Source only the highest quality protein: grass-fed meats, pasture raised chicken, wild caught fish.

  • Go for raw, unpasteurized dairy over conventional milk products.

  • GI distress is common with autism, so get plenty of fermented foods like coconut yogurt, raw kefir, sauerkraut, or use a quality probiotic supplement to help balance the gut microbiome.

  • When it comes to being mindful about the ingredients in your food, nothing beats home cooking. 


The tap water we use for drinking, cooking, and bathing is a chemical cocktail loaded with heavy metals and pollutants which are absorbed directly through the skin and GI tract.

Common contaminants in tap water:

Lead, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, pesticides and herbicides, corrosion inhibitors, “forever chemicals” (PFAS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pharmaceutical residues.

Steps to take:

  • Search your zip code here to find out which pollutants are found in your area’s tap water.

  • Source drinking water from natural springs, or fill up jugs at the reverse osmosis station at your local health food store.

  • Use a filter on your bath or shower head. Chemicals absorb rapidly through the skin.

  • Consider installing a high quality filtration system in your home. Explore different options with this quick guide.

Personal Care

Most ingredients used in personal care products are known chemical hazards that enter the bloodstream almost instantaneously through the skin and lungs. So if you wouldn’t eat it, toss it.

Common sources of toxicity:

Body wash, shampoo, lotion, deodorant, fragranced products, toothpaste, sunscreen, polyester and other synthetic clothing materials, paints and plastics in cheap children’s toys. 

Steps to take:

  • Get in the habit of reading labels. Find out what’s really in your products with EWG’s ingredient database, or check out their list of verified products.

  • Eliminate fluoride containing toothpaste and dental care products. Fluoride calcifies the pineal, or master spiritual gland, inhibiting the process of spiritual self-realization. Additionally, seek out the care of a holistic or biological dentist who avoids the use of toxic substances and harmful procedures.

  • Make your own products with affordable, all-natural ingredients such as coconut oil, baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils. If you’re looking for a company with a range of options for dental care and hygiene, I’d recommend Living Libations.

  • Buy toys that are free of toxic chemicals, especially if they’re likely to end up in your child’s mouth.


Interestingly, in every instance that humanity is exposed to a new bandwidth of electromagnetic frequencies with the introduction of some new form of technology, a segment of the population falls ill with a previously unseen disease. The human body is electromagnetic in nature, so every energetic frequency that interacts with its delicate circuitry holds the potential for great healing or great harm.

Common sources of EMFs:

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular devices, smart watches, thermostats, baby monitors, smart meters, solar panels, cell towers, power lines, satellite dishes, electric car charging stations.

Steps to take:

  • Take advantage of the Earth’s natural healing frequency and let your child spend time outdoors with their bare feet on the ground. Learn more about the benefits of grounding here.

  • Unplug your wireless router overnight or when you’re not using it.

  • Limit microwave use as much as possible.

  • Turn off your phone’s Bluetooth and ditch wireless headphones or smart watches.

  • Call your electrical provider and have your smart meter replaced with an analog meter.

  • Minimize exposure to artificial light and electronics after dark to improve sleep quality.


If there’s one environment we want to make sure to get right, it’s the one we spend the most time in. It can also be the place where we’ll find some of the most unsuspecting sources of toxicity.

Common sources of toxicity in the home:

Household cleaning products, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, toilet paper, air fresheners, fragranced candles, plastics, aluminum or non-stick cooking pans, mold and mycotoxins, fertilizers and pesticides, chemical off-gassing from furniture, paints, couches, mattresses, etc.

Steps to take:

  • Spend less time indoors and more time in nature. Full-spectrum sunlight is essential to human health.

  • Replace cleaning products and detergents with a homemade or natural alternative. For my favorite all-in-one product, check out Branch Basics.

  • Use cast iron or ceramic pans for cooking.

  • Buy BPA-free cups, plates, and food storage containers.

  • Use parchment paper instead of aluminum foil.


A quick note on pharmaceuticals: I can’t blame anyone for turning to modern medicine for answers, but keep in mind, pharmaceuticals are synthetic chemicals intended only to mask and suppress symptoms. They do not address the underlying cause, nor will they ever account for the depth and complexity of the human being. Any combination of chemicals that is powerful enough to eliminate a symptom in one area of the body can be reasonably expected to throw every other part of the system out of balance. I’m not a trained healthcare professional who’s qualified to give medical advice, but it may be worth seeking out a naturopath or holistic practitioner who can help you find more natural and long-lasting solutions.

Having addressed the purely physical side, we can now begin implementing strategies at the higher levels of mind and consciousness, where we must take a leap from the matter-to-matter inputs of our material world into the invisible realm of energy and frequency. Here, we’ll need to alter our approach to incorporate more specialized forms of knowledge rooted in the spiritual sciences and the ancient healing arts.

Such strategies are highly individualized and subject to change with progress, so this is where it can be beneficial to seek guidance from a psychic healer or intuitive you trust — someone who can interpret the energetics of your child and pinpoint his or her immediate needs. Otherwise, there’s a near endless wealth of other options that are available for you to explore, most of which come with very minimal risk: energy healing, qigong, reiki, acupressure, homeopathy, flower essence therapy, herbal remedies, color therapy, biofield tuning, and sound healing, just to name a few.

I know a lot of this can sound like the “woo-woo” stuff from the New Age spiritual fair, but remember that the body is essentially a holographic projection of the soul into 3D form, so if you can change the code on the back end, you change the way it shows up in physical reality. This is the basis of all instantaneous healings and miracles recorded throughout history. Just as Einstein predicted, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

The resurgence of the sacred healing arts will only continue to grow in coming years as an increasing number of individuals tap into distant memories that will further advance this body of knowledge at this critical juncture for humanity. In fact, what you’ll probably find is that your child is highly receptive to all this psychic, “woo-woo” stuff — far more than the adults around them. Most of them are looking for people who can meet them at this level of depth. The look I often get from them says something along the lines of, “I recognize you, and I know you see me too.”

What’s In It for All of Us?

In my work with autistic children in a clinical setting, I always found it fascinating how particular patterns of behavior correlated so closely with the environment and the people around them. Outbursts of aggression tended to happen in the presence of certain adults but not others. The times I had punches and soup cans thrown at me were the days when my mind was somewhere else. Of course, we often brush it off and chalk it up as another bad day for the kid. But what if their actions actually carry a deeper meaning? Maybe this journey is supposed to be as much about us as it is about them.

I believe what we’re really being offered is the opportunity to evolve ourselves — to expand our awareness through an exploration of the inner depths of our being. So if we want better answers, I think we need to start by asking better questions: Could it actually be me who’s having a bad day? What if other people are simply mirrors that reflect back to me my own inner state? What can this tell me about the unhealed emotions and unresolved conflicts I’ve failed to acknowledge within myself? In what ways do I continue to project my inner judgments onto the people around me? Does my inability to forgive this child actually reveal an unwillingness to forgive myself?

I’ve found that an introspective attitude has the potential to open up a whole new dimension of relating to these children, and it’s here that we’ll discover the lessons they’ve been trying to communicate all along: to let go of our attachment to the past and the obsessive need to control the future; to live from the heart and dance shamelessly to the beat of our own drum; to accept and love others exactly as they are without needing to change them; to reach for the infinite and embrace the unlimited possibilities of the unknown; and above all, to remember what it is to be a human being in a world that’s become obsessed with human doing.

Here’s the good news: this is a co-creative journey of shared successes, and we’re all in this together. Each individual, regardless of color or creed, is inseparably tied with the rest of the unified collective by the divine cord which runs through every human heart. So in accepting the invitation to initiate change within ourselves, we contribute to a much larger shift transpiring on a global scale. Furthermore, as an extension of the planetary intelligence which supports all life, humanity is intimately connected with the evolutionary process of the Earth itself. As such, our expansion in consciousness will generate a corresponding rise in the Earth’s vibrational frequency, ultimately allowing our autistic population to overcome the vibrational mismatch that’s hindered their ability to adapt to this physical environment. In other words, it’s a commitment to our inner transformation — the raising of our own awareness to meet theirs — which will ultimately create the energetic conditions that will enable those on the spectrum to begin functioning more seamlessly within the natural world. Their journey is our journey, and our victories theirs.

We stand on the cusp of a whole new future, and yet we also find ourselves at the crossroads of a strange paradox. The fate of our world has been sealed — the unfolding of our divine destiny steered by the guiding hands of a greater cosmic force. At the same time, however, the way in which we get there hinges on the very decisions of the individuals whose names were called to carry it to completion. Each of us is among those privileged and chosen few, and it will require nothing less than all of us giving all of ourselves. Never before have our individual choices held so much weight as in this very special moment in history. This is it. The choice is ours. Will we sit back and allow ourselves to be dragged along as helpless spectators in the river of change, or will we answer the call to engage as active participants in what’s sure to go down as one of the greatest stories ever told?


Can Autism Be Healed Naturally?